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Understanding the Role of Self-Awareness in Borderline Personality Disorder
Although it is usually seen as a positive thing, having too much self-awareness can exacerbate the symptoms of BPD.
Understanding BPD in Men: Causes, Symptoms, and Relationships
There may be differences in how the BPD symptoms may present in men compared to women, but surprisingly it's more so the same.
BPD Explained Simply by Someone with BPD
A simple explanation of the experience of someone else with BPD might help you to open your eyes and understand yourself better.
Everything about BPD Explained By Someone With BPD
Given my experience living with BPD and years of studying the disorder, I will attempt to acknowledge most of its aspects in this article.
Do People with BPD Know when They are Gaslighting?
It is incorrect to assume that gaslighting is common among those with BPD, as paranoid ideation is frequently mistaken for gaslighting.
Can You Be Successful When You Have BPD?
If you have BPD, your definition of success may revolve more around happiness than the general desire for wealth and social status.
My Desire To Be Sad; From Someone With BPD
Sadness is an inevitable part of life that people normally avoid. But in some instances, people desire sadness for the sake of being sad.
How Does Caffeine Affect Borderline Personality Disorder?
People with BPD may utilize caffeine as an escape, but in many cases, it just brings more anxiety to the individual.
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