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When to Tell Your Partner You Have Borderline Personality Disorder?
Most people with BPD tend to share far too much, but for some, disclosing a diagnosis of BPD in a new relationship is terrifying.
Everything about BPD Explained By Someone With BPD
Given my experience living with BPD and years of studying the disorder, I will attempt to acknowledge most of its aspects in this article.
Do People with BPD Know when They are Gaslighting?
It is incorrect to assume that gaslighting is common among those with BPD, as paranoid ideation is frequently mistaken for gaslighting.
Does Everyone with BPD Have a Favorite Person?
The favorite person is considered the most important person in the life of someone with BPD. It's the source of all their happiness.
Can someone with BPD have a long-distance relationship?
A long-distance relationship is difficult for even the healthiest people, but for someone with BPD, it's even more of an uphill battle.
BPD And Retroactive Jealousy of a Partner's Past
When someone with BPD struggles with retroactive jealousy of their partner's past, it can end up in a serious BPD episode.
How Does A BPD Episode End?
The sufferer cannot function properly or think rationally while experiencing an outburst of anger, depression, or anxiety.
How Fear of Abandonment Ruins Every Relationship (BPD)
This fear can cause a constant need for reassurance, paranoid ideation, and a drive to avoid real or imagined abandonment at all costs.
How To Open Up When You Have BPD
When you have Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), it can be challenging and frightening to open up and express your feelings.
Can Someone With BPD Be A Good Parent?
You might be doubting your ability to raise a child when you have BPD, but many people with this disorder become highly functional parents.
Can You Be Successful When You Have BPD?
If you have BPD, your definition of success may revolve more around happiness than the general desire for wealth and social status.
Is Age Regression a Sign of BPD?
Age regression can be seen in many types of mental disorders, and BPD is certainly one of them.
How to Deal with Anger Borderline Personality Disorder
One of the uncontrollable emotions of someone with BPD is anger. Their mood can change from playful to angry within seconds.
My Desire To Be Sad; From Someone With BPD
Sadness is an inevitable part of life that people normally avoid. But in some instances, people desire sadness for the sake of being sad.
Why Someone with BPD needs Constant Validation
People with BPD often struggle with the need for constant validation. They have trouble making decisions and feel the need for approval.
How do you Calm a Loved One with Borderline Personality Disorder?
BPD can be a strain on any relationship. Whether it’s your parent, sibling, partner, or close friend, it's worth learning how to calm them.
Why People with BPD Lie to Avoid Conflict
For those with BPD, disagreement can be difficult to handle. They may lie to avoid conflict and to prevent being disliked and rejected.
Why People with BPD Hate Every Job They Get
People with BPD often struggle to hold a job, let alone find one that suits them, as they frequently hate every job they get.
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