You might have heard of the INFJ personality, a personality type from the Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator(MBTI). There are 16 different personalities according to the MBTI. INFJ is the rarest one, making up only one percent of the population.

The concept of personality is always fascinating to the psychology community. What makes us who we are? What are the strengths and weaknesses of this specific personality type? Can I relate to someone famous with the same personality? In this article, you will be shown, the uncommon, INFJ personality and the famous people having it.
INFJ meaning
INFJ stands for Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. Also known as ''The advocate & diplomatic counselor''.
The advocate & diplomatic counselor often have a unique outlook on life since they always look deeper than what's happening on the surface. These people are usually very creative with the ability to view concepts in a much deeper way than others. Sometimes other people see INFJ types as a little eccentric.
The nature of their perception of reality is heavily influenced by their subjective ideals, possibilities, imagination, awareness of patterns, and future outcomes that pop in and out of their conscious awareness.
When left on their own, life can feel like an open and endless sea of possibilities both good and bad. However, the external world has a way of disrupting the INFJ's insular world, and their sense of obligation and social responsibility compels them to meet its demands. Meaning that if the demands can't be met, given by oneself, INFJ deals with the disheartening results in their mind.
INFJs would rather be a pioneer than follow the proven path by others. Stimulated by challenges that call for creative solutions.
If extra-sensory perception is real, INFJ's are most likely to have this trait. The strength of their vision and accuracy of their foresight can make others come to view them as modern-day prophets.
Many INFJ's feel the need to find meaning in their lives. When they encounter inequity or unfairness, they tend to think, “How can I fix this?”. They need to remember that while they’re busy taking care of the world, they need to take care of themselves too.

6 INFJ strengths
1. Good with words
INFJ's are well suited for careers as creative writers. Masters of metaphor. Their insight into human nature allows them to get through a reader or listener, in a personalized way, that resonates deeply.
2. Helpful
INFJ's generally utilize their qualities for the greater good. They rarely enjoy succeeding at others' expenses. They tend to think about how their actions affect others. Their objective is to behave in a way that will help individuals around them.
3. Creative and innovative
With Introverted Intuition as their leading function, INFJ's prefer the world of concepts and ideas. INFJ's are creative solvers of people's problems and bring innovative ideas.
4. Encouraging
They are usually perceptive in observing the talents of others and good at encouraging others to contribute their skills.
5. Emphatic
INFJ's can gauge what people are feeling and feel it emphatically in themselves. They are generally good at detecting a person's motives whether they are benevolent or malicious.
6. Meaningful
Creating depth to a relationship that can hardly be described in traditional terms. Because of their sensitivity and insight, INFJ's can make their partners feel heard and understood in beautiful ways. Not afraid to express their love, and they feel it unconditionally.
6 INFJ weaknesses
1. Lose reality
As a dreamer, INFJ's are focused on the big picture. This can cause them to miss the obvious realities in front of them.
2. Alone vs. The World
Unhealthy INFJ's have a hard time not taking everything personally. They view any form of criticism as a personal attack and can quickly create a ''me versus the world'' scenario in their mind. They may take on the role of ''misunderstood misfit'' as a way of coping with their isolation.
3. Tunnel vision
Always looking for something better. Fixating on imperfections, not appreciating their jobs, living situations, and relationships.
4. Overthinking
People with INFJ are ''heavy or deep thinkers''. In the wrong circumstances, this can manifest into unstoppable guilt and suffering, which get combined with empathy and provoke the heaviest form of overthinking. Most INFJ's say, ''having this type of personality is not a pleasant experience and can be very difficult to live with.''
5. Losing oneself
The idealistic personality can become frustrated when navigating interpersonal conflicts, confronting unpleasant facts, pursuing self-realization, or finding a fulfilling career path. As a result, they wonder who they are meant to be.
6. Difficulty in balance
People with this personality type can exhaust themselves if they don’t find a way to balance their drive with the necessary self-care and rest.
Here are 10 famous INFJ people

Adolf Hitler
Hitler was an INFJ. If you read his books, his demeanor, and witness his cognitive functions at work you will see him exhibit the traits of an INFJ at their worst. He played God in the balance of justice. He had a twisted understanding of the world that fueled his actions.

A philosopher who was a student of Socrates and the mentor of Aristotle. Plato has always been reflective of the world around him. He was a gentle and soft-voiced speaker. Plato would think about how to improve society, but he was not able to put it into motion.

Mahatma Gandhi
Gandhi was a true INFJ. Even at an early age, his value system was so strong that no one could talk him out of his convictions. Although deeply committed to social change, he achieved his goals without violence. He was a visionary who inspired others with his dreams. He believed that strength should not come from an individual’s physical capacity but from his inner self.

Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King showed the best characteristics of an INFJ. He was committed to his ideals and ready to put himself at risk to defend them. He was a brilliant speaker who convinced others of his beliefs and inspired them to action.

Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga has shown to be an INFJ. Not only in her music and lyrics but also in her work offstage. Having a strong sense of personal integrity and a need to connect at a deeper level. She might not seem like an introvert, but when asked about how she deals with fame, Gaga confesses, ''she never gets used to it.''

Oprah Winfrey
Born from a poor family, she rose to become the first African American billionaire. Known for being generous. Surprising her audience with gifts on the show. Also helped victims of calamities and poverty-stricken children in desolate parts of the world. Oprah Winfrey is an INFJ shown by many MBTI analysts.

Adam Sandler
Known for his funny movies, this comedian is unexpectedly an INFJ. Despite being a genius when it comes to making people laugh, he is a private person in real life who is serious, intelligent, logical, and stubborn, a typical INFJ.

Nelson Mandela
Among the most influential leaders of the 20th century, Mandela exhibited the best characteristics of the Myers-Briggs INFJ type. He was eloquent and had a sharp sense of humor that defused many controversial situations.

Morgan Freeman
As an INFJ, Morgan tends to be determined, reserved, and philanthropic. Morgan is an idealist and is passionate about making the world a better place. Morgan tends to be accepting, optimistic, and adaptive. Morgan generally likes peace and avoids conflict.

Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson was known for being both reserved, composed, and incredibly quiet concerning his personal feelings. Failed to anticipate or understand the reality of war because of his naivety and idealism. He was known as someone who was always looking for new approaches to get things done. Jefferson had a good grasp of language and used dramatic illustrations or metaphors within his writing.
Final thoughts
These famous people have the same personality type as each other, according to the MBTI. Which does not mean they are the same people. The external world can bend the same personality into endless outcomes.
There is always a debate on which personality type someone has, especially for celebrities.
''A man’s life cannot be remembered through bullet points alone.''
It's easy to look for things in people that you're already expecting to see. There is so much we don't see and there's so much we don't know when searching into people. Introverts are introverts for a reason. A part of them is and will remain hidden.
“In the end, it’s your actions, how you respond to circumstance, that reveals your character.”