Splitting is a coping mechanism used by people with BPD. It prevents them from seeing or accepting that a good person can do bad things, and it excludes any gray areas in their thinking. For this reason, splitting is also known as black-and-white thinking.
BPD splitting is going from idealization to devaluing someone. Splitting might happen after a minor disagreement or when they have been disappointed. Splitting goes hand in hand with having unrealistic expectations about people and life.
The cause of splitting in Borderline Personality Disorder
Splitting is a common characteristic in children. A child experiences things as either good or bad with no in-between. When a child develops psychologically, they realize that the universe is not simply good or bad. They can't accept the concept that it can co-exist in the same object. For example, when a child is punished by their parents, they learn to not stop loving them.
When children are abused, ignored, or get inconsistent parenting, it essentially damages their beliefs, and they start believing that their parents are perfect. It creates an all-or-nothing with no middle ground for a discussion mindset. A splitting thought pattern.
People with a splitting personality experience the following:
Opportunities can either be risk-free or dangerous.
People can be either evil or perfect angels.
Science, history, and news are either entirely true or entirely false.
It's either always or never when it comes to anything.
Someone will feel deceived, destroyed, or cheated when things go wrong.
BPD and Splitting